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11 Reasons to Submit This Article to an Ezine
What's an article anyway, and why would I want to submit one to an ezine? That was a two-fold question and will require two answers. An ezine article is usually composed of approximately 500 words on a single subject that would be of interest to your target market. At the end of the article, you should include a resource box. This box should provide such things as your name, the name of your company, your web site address, email address, and a small blurb about your product/service.
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The Willingness To Heal
I have counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners for the past 35 years and authored eight published books. All this experience has resulted in the development of a profound healing process, called Inner Bonding, which anyone can learn and use throughout the day (free course available - see resource box at the end of the article). The first step of this process is willingness.We cannot begin a journey without our willingness to do so. Without our willi...
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Article Marketing 101: The Perfect Author Resource Box
If you want to really make your article "SELL" then you've got to craft the perfect RESOURCE BOX. This is the "author bio" that is below your article body and it's also known as your "SIG" (short for SIGnature).
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6 Internet Marketing Myths
TITLE: 6 Internet Marketing MythsDESCRIPTION: Most marketers fail online because they truly believe the 6 internet marketing mythsAUTHOR: Paul PenafielAUTHOR EMAIL: paul@paulpenafiel.comWORD COUNT: 738PERMISSIONS: May be freely published as is with byline and resource box included. Please email author to let me know where article appears.
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Writing the Resource Box So It Gets People to Click
Why write the article, if you are NOT going to get the click at the end of the process. Article marketing requires results, and results for article marketing is the click on your link in the resource box.
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Well-written articles can help you...
You've heard it time and time again: if you want to get your name out there, write articles and allow them to be freely reproduced (with a resource box pointing back to you, of course). Largely, that is true. Well-written articles can:
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The Four Elements Of A Nifty Marketing Article
You may think that the key to article marketing success is writing a good article. While this is true, there is much more to it than this. You will also need to consider your headline, your article description and your resource box. In many ways, these can be more important than the article itself.
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Make your resource box an ICBM and explode your clicks.
Article writng is an art form, then why do so many people overlook the most important part of the article submission, the resource box? A properly thought out resource box can dramatically increase your click throught rate. So, are you doing it right? Here are some useful tips from an article directory owner.
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How to Write Articles that Grab and Keep Your Readers Attention
No Surprise Here, Writing Articles is a surefire way to gain recognition as an expert in your field. By allowing them to be reprinted along with your resource box attached, Increases the number of links pointing back to yoursite.
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How to make an eye-popping Resource Box for your Articles
The internet is the information highway, this phrase has been used so may time it should be nominated for the Internet Cliché Award. People that go to the internet are subdivided into groups, but generally, they are out to search information. Whether for gaming, business, fun or anything else the internet has provided us with information that has proved to be very beneficial.
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How To Generate Traffic Through Article Marketing
Writing articles for article marketing is a good way to get traffic to your website. Articles provide information to your audience and allow you to show your expertise. By posting your articles in article directories, you can generate traffic to your site and also help create back links to it. The main keys to article marketing are to write a high quality content article, create a good authors resource box to highlight you and your site and to submit it to several article dir...
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Does Your Article Come With Re-Branding Right?
Allowing your readers to change the links in your article and author's resource box to their own chosen ones is a completely different idea. Most marketers work to keep that information in the article no matter what.
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Discover The Powerful Benefits Of Submitting Articles!
Article directories are popping up all over the internet. You may wonder if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Allow me to ensure you this is a great thing for internet marketers. Below is just a few of the many benefits of submitting articles.1. The ability to brand your web site business and yourself by submitting articles to article directories. You could include a link back to your web site in your resource box Along with your name and credentials.2. You will ge...
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Affiliate Programs And Becoming Wealthy
This article outlines the need-to-know basics of Affiliate Programs, and how YOU can benefit from them. For more information, simply click to read more, or follow the links in the resource box.
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Affiliates, How To Become An Article Marketer
If you're at all familiar with Article Marketing, then you know that the main thrust behind your articles is the bio box or resource box. This is where you put a link to a significant website that you're trying to promote. But that can be a real problem when you're attempting to promote a pr
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Making better use of your resource box
A resource box is what you usually find at the end of an article. They will contain the name of the author, a brief description of the author, a brief description of the sponsoring site and a link. If a reader likes what they read, they would have the tendency to find out where the article came from to read more. The resource bow will be their link to the source of the article and this will entice them to go to the site and do some more reading or research for the subject or topic they are ...
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Writing Articles-how To Attract The Audience To Visit Your Website.
Writing Articles and submitting them to article directories have become extremely popular in recent times. The question that is uppermost in the mind of an author is "Will my article be picked up by other webmasters and published in their website?" "Will the readers click the link in the resource box and visit my website?" If this does not materialize then the time and energy spent on writing articles will be in vain.On the other hand if your article had the right recip...
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Three Article Writing Tips That Can Explode Your Readership And Trrafic.
Thousands of articles are being churned out everyday but how many of these are ever read. If your articles are not going to be read then you are not going to reap the benefits of writing your articles.Webmasters and others visit article directories, article banks and article announcement sites mainly for two reasons. Firstly to read articles written by experts to learn from them about business strategies, article writing tips and other useful Tips and Ideas so that can ad...
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How To Link To Your Website When Writing Articles
However, you must know how to link to your website properly to get the full benefits of linking. If you dont link properly, they could kill your marketing efforts.Often times, many writers make the same mistakes. They put typically try to send someone to their website directly from their article. In the resource box, they provide a raw link with the URL of the website. Below is one of the biggest mistakes that an author can make:If you enjoy shopping find out how yo...
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5 Ways A Reader Can Respond To Your Article.
When reading your article a reader can get warmed up and react on your article in several ways. A responsive reader will want to:1) Visit your website link in the resource boxThis is probably the most common response people seem to go to, even if it is the wrong one. People are so fixated with wanting their readers to go to their websites and buy straight away.Tell me something, how many strangers on the Internet have you brought something from because they just t...
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Write Articles And Captivate Your Readers
To get your name out there, write articles and allow them to be freely reproduced (with a resource box pointing back to you.) A well-written article can:- help build your profile- draw traffic to your site, and- help build a database of clients through associated e-courses or newsletter.How do you write the article? You can come up with the content - How do you grab those readers and make them come back for more?As you can construct and edit an article (it...
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Using the Article Resource Box to Gain Maximum Click Through
Anyone reading this will most likely now know the power of article marketing in increasing the link popularity, traffic, and sales through your website, but one of the most important parts of the article, the resource box, is often overlooked and rushed to finish the article off. Read on to discover the benefits of a good resource box.
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Easy Article Writing Tips
Whether you are just starting out with your online business or you are seasoned pro, writing and distributing articles is one of the most effective and low-cost ways to drive lots of targeted traffic to your site. Writing articles and submitting them to the article directories will get you free traffic when people click on the link in your resource box. It is also a great way to improve search engine rankings, since you will have plenty of incoming links to your site. Lets t...